Sunday 19 April 2009

Hello Halloumi.....

No doubt your well aware of Halloumi cheese.
But, just in case... in the unlikely event you've never heard of it (working on the basis that everything is new to everyone at some point!) Let me quickly explain that it's a Cheese, from Cyprus made from a mixture of Goats and Sheep's milk, and it has two quite unusual properties....You can Fry it, and it won't melt....and it 'squeaks' on your teeth when of all, it tastes fantastic.

Here's a recipe for a quick rough and ready dinner or lunch, which uses Girlfriend doesn't like Mushrooms much, so for her I bake tomatoes instead , so - feel free to use either, the method is the same.

Baked Mushroom/Tomato Sandwich with Garlic, Dijon and Halloumi.

You'll need:-

Half a Ciabatta per person.
A couple of Medium Portobello Mushrooms per person (or 3 Medium Tomatoes per person, halved).
1 Clove garlic finely sliced.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Few sprigs of Flat leaf Parsley - chopped.
20g Unsalted Butter - diced.
Dijon Mustard
Halloumi - cut into roughly 1cm thick slices - 2 slices per person.
Half a Lemon

Pre-Heat the oven to 200C.
Arrange the Mushrooms and/or Tomatoes on a baking tray and cover them with the garlic, flat leaf parley, salt+pepper - dab everything with the butter. Put in the oven for 20 Min's.
Cut open your Ciabatta, drizzle one side with the Olive Oil, smear the other side with the Dijon.

Heat a frying pan, and cook fry the Halloumi slices on each side until golden - 1-2 Min's per side.

Assemble your roll by placing the baked Mushrooms or Tomatoes in your Ciabbata, lay the Halloumi slices on top - and finally a quick squeeze of lemon juice over the top.


William Leigh said...

Mate that looks triffic. Got a craving for halloumi now. You tried it with pomegranate molasses?

Graphic Foodie said...

Mmm...lunch envy going on here. I love the bonus teeth squeak you get with Halloumi!

(Previous post deleted for my rubbish spelling.)

Dan said...

Hello William, Thanks!
No, I've never tried Halloumi with Pomegranate molasses - but now I'm intrigued....I'm going to have to try it.

The Ample Cook said...

Cor! Looks really really appetising. Halloumi is great on salad with a sharp dressing and capers. Noticed on twitter that you're off on a trip - hope you have a great time. Take loads of photos!


Alex said...

We're having halloumi tonight... your dishes look great though!

Dan said...

Foodie, Alex - Thanks :)

Jan - Thanks - yep off to Marrakech Sunday for a few days - can't wait, I will indeed be documenting what I eat and quite possibly my subsequent food poisoning. So, read all about it here first!

Food Urchin said...

Halloumi on the bbq is always great although you will always have to sacrifice one slice to the great weber god in the sky. Will go with The Ample Cook for a sharp dressing of capers, lime, garlic and coriander - always tastes great.

Dan said...

Food Urchin - good tip, I've never tried Halloumi on a BBQ....saying that - I wont get around to trying it at this rate, unless I get my garden finished....the landscaping is taking forever. Fingers crossed it'll be done for BBQ season and I'll be out there eating Halloumi :)

Unknown said...

Fried and cheese what could be better?