About a year ago, realising that this was the stumbling block to the creative process – I moved the bowl out of the cupboard to a permanent home in the freezer…yes it took up a lot of space, but if I wanted to make ice-cream it was there ready and waiting to take up the challenge instantly…and then there, inevitably it’s sat for about a year, waiting. …Silently in the dark.
Until just the other day a conversation on Twitter about ice cream makers had me opening the freezer and dragging my unused ice-cream maker towards the light. I’d boldly declared publicly that yes, I shall make ice cream, immediately and not only that, I was going to make salted butter caramel flavour. I’d found a recipe online (Here) I was all set, raring to go,
‘Immediately’ in reality, became the next day…up at the crack of dawn I made my way down the local shop to buy the ingredients needed. It cost me about £5. The thought did cross my furrowed brow that, I could have bought some decent ice cream for the same price and saved myself the effort. But where’s the fun in that? And in any case, mine would be ‘handmade artisan ice cream’ in a flavour that is almost impossible to buy commercially. It would have no nasty chemicals or additives in it. It was worth the cost.
The recipe states that the ice-cream needs 8 hours refrigeration, so I thought I better get started early if I wanted to actually sample some the same day.
First of all, I made the salted praline…heating the sugar carefully in a saucepan, (Caramel, despite looking extremely benign and inviting… just begging for you to stick a digit it for a cheeky sample is actually frigging hotter than the surface of the Sun, and as such; it deserves respect).
It was all going so well, and then I noticed a foreign object in the saucepan…something white…. Had I washed the pan up properly from its last use? And then I realised what it was.
The ‘heatproof’ rubber spatula I was using, to stir the caramel was anything but…. and it had started to melt. Realising immediately that salted rubber butter caramel flavour was perhaps a bit too avant-garde for even the most adventurous gourmet, I decided to bin the lot. I was flustered, it was boiling hot…. I decided to tip the molten caramel onto some greaseproof paper first, and in the process burnt my finger…just a little bit, but enough to make me scream like a girl.
Five minutes later, wiping the tears away from my face, and scornfully washing up the saucepan, I was ready for another attempt.

This time it went exactly to plan, and I soon had a sheet of hardened Praline to break up and scatter into the finished ice cream.
Everything else with the recipe went smoothly, without incident and in no time I had beautiful mocha coloured custard to refrigerate for 8 hours, ready for churning.
Later that day, out it came and in it went to the ice-cream machine, which was already on and churning away (learning my lesson here from a previous abortive attempt long ago, where I’d poured the mixture into a machine that wasn’t running – and it had instantly frozen rock solid, making it un-churnable).
30 mins later, it looked about right – I stirred in the broken shards of praline (which according to the recipe, melt and become ‘gooey’….errr….yum!). And, back in the freezer it went for 3 hours to set fully.
What a time-consuming operation making ice cream is!
But, I guess the question is, was it worth it?

This afternoon, I opened the container and scooped up a beautiful looking shiny ball of creamy coffee coloured ice cream, speckled through with melted, soft specks of praline. I stuck my spoon in for a taste, and oh my God…. it was incredible, rich smooth and intense caramel flavour underpinned by a subtle lip smacking salt tang. Seriously beautiful stuff. Definitely not something you could eat much of in one sitting, it being very rich – but wow. So yes. It’s very much worth the time and effort involved.
If you fancy having a go at this yourself, you can find the recipe I used here on David Lebovitz’s website.
Looks amazing Dan. Great photos.
Err, I could be over at yours in about 20 minutes? ;)
That David Lebowitz recipe gets around eh? For good reason mind. I made this a few weeks ago and it was indeed amazing. I paired it up with some chocolate brownies. Wowzers.
His recipe for salted peanut butter cups (think posh Reese's Cups) is also brilliant.
That looks lush Dan, do you fancy moving up North and living in my cupboard to occasionally make me ice cream? :P
I also made this, as you know - though I used maple sugar and smoked salt. It took all my willpower not to gobble it all up in one go (I didn't bother cooling it for 8 hours and it worked out fine).
Lovely post Dan, and fab photos. I'll be catching the train to Leigh at around 1700...
Hot diggity dang that looks good! Having got back on the caramel making horse after a year of fear due to an accident I will have to make this.
Jan - Thanks hahaha
Sharmila - Yep, a few people have tried the same recipe, as far as I know - all with excellent results. I'll have to check out the other recipe you mention.
Paul - Yes, If the moneys right, I can live in your cupboard.
Lizzie - Maple syrup and smokes salt, bloody hell - that sounds amazing.
Fran - Hahaha Thanks!
GF - Thats good to hear, but oh wow, bad accident?
Yay! I'm so glad you made use of that poor old neglected ice cream machine. It looks delicious! I have serious issues with making anything that involves hot sugar and end up under cooking or over cooking...I may need some more practice.
I'm off to purchase myself an ice cream maker (a cheap one!) just as soon as I can.
Gawd, as if I need another kitchen gadget [runs away to make space for an ice-cream maker...]
This looks awesome - love the photos too!
Bravo. Bravo indeed. And all the better for having ballsed it up the first time. And it's not often a man can claim to have burnt his finger whilst making ice cream!
David Lebovitz has great ice cream recipes and now I am having great jealousy about your ice cream maker!
I want it I want it! I need to make this - I am an ice cream addict and my ice cream maker sees a lot of action. I also keep it in the freezer all the time. It takes up space, as you say, but you just never know when you'll get the urge.
p.s - try David's candied bacon ice cream. It's amazing.
The Ginger Gourmand - Oh mosdef - get yourself an ice-cream maker to use, or neglect, really handy piece of kit to have.
Jonathan - Thanks vert much for saying so dude, and yep - absurd burning myself making ice cream, hadn't thought of that!
Gourmet Chick - get one! they're only £30 for a cheapo one which is more than adequate.
Helen - aha, yes - you do come across as a bit of an ice-cream master...y'know, I'm definitely going to make more now. It's a bit time consuming, but its so frigging nice! I remember reading on your blog about the bacon ice cream you made....you're right. I'll have to try it!
I love homemade ice cream - this looks fabulous! Cute serving glasses too.
Just catching up on blog posts and this looks amazing Dan! Have come across David Lebovitz's recipe for salted butter caramel ice cream and keep meaning to make it. Time to dust off the Gaggia methinks...
Nicisme - Thanks very much!
Sig - High praise indeed coming from you, thanks. Oooh and you have a Gaggia ice cream maker? tres impressive. Be interested to hear how it turns out when you make it.
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