The horror.
We had a friend round for dinner, and being short of time, thought a posset would be the perfect choice. Deciding that we should ‘pimp’ it a bit for our guest, we thought that candied peel would be the way to go to elevate a rather plain posset to dinner party status.
Searching the internet for likely recipes we found that candied peel seems to involve a disproportionate amount of work…most recipes requiring about 5 days of drying time, draped over the thighs of virgins and only if the moon is waxing gibbous…. oh and you have to wear a badger pelt hat. Obviously.
‘E’ and I, melding our mungus foodie brains together, thus forming one utterly herculean, bulging mega gourmet brain, came up with an alternative quick method. Dismissing 47,700 results on Google with a nonchalant raised middle finger – we decided that we knew better.
Whilst we were ignoring conventional culinary wisdom, we also decided that a bog standard lemon posset was just too…errr…bog standard, and created an orange and lemon combo instead. Wild and crazy eh?
Here’s the recipe for the posset…. if you can deal with the Guinea pig terror…and the quick candied peel.
St Clements posset
Serves 4
Ingredients: -
450 ml double cream
110g caster sugar
1 Lemon
1 Orange
Plus, for the candied peel
1 cup sugar (plus a pinch of caster sugar for sprinkling)
½ cup water
For the candied peel: -
Remove half the skin of both the orange and the lemon in wide strips and carefully remove the pith.
Slice the peel strips lengthways into 2mm matchsticks.
In a small saucepan, heat the cup of sugar with the water to make stock syrup, simmering until clear.
To this, add the orange/lemon matchsticks and simmer gently for 5 mins.
Meanwhile, line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, and pre-heat the oven to 150C.
Remove the orange/lemon from the stock syrup and spread out on the baking tray. Put into the oven, and bake for roughly half an hour.
Remove the tray from the oven, and immediately scrape the peel from the greaseproof paper into a bowl (If it’s allowed to dry, it’ll stick fast – I speak from experience).
Sprinkle some caster sugar over the peel.
For the posset: -
Place the double cream and the sugar into a saucepan and stir to combine.
Heat gently at first, then raise the temperature and bring to the boil, stirring regularly.
Remove from the heat and add both the orange and the lemon juices.
Pour into heatproof glasses/espresso cups and leave to set in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
Decorate with a heap of the quick candied peel and serve with a shortbread biscuit on the side (Bought or baked yourself, your call).
is that one of your verrines?
I applaud your ignoring those 47,700 results on Google - because if nobody ever did that, we'd all be eating sausage & mash which, while it has it's place in the menu, doesn't involve much imagination. Just 'cos it's always been done that way, doesn't mean it's the only way to do it. ~applause~
Josordoni - Nope :) Have a look at the salted caramel ice cream recipe I did way back, I used a verrine for that.
Jenny Eatwell - Very true. Thanks very much.
Such a lovely name for the posset! I think it looks delicious. I like to make possets with blood oranges too when they are in season - delish.
Fantastic! The candied peel on top makes it look super professional as well Dan.
yum, a medieval desert! it all sounds so exciting and i love it when deserts are served up in an individual cup.
Helen - 'E' came up with the name, she's really good at things like that. Blood orange posset sounds cracking, will have to try it when they're next in season.
Gourmet Chick - Thanks very much! glad you think so.
Suzy - Not sure if this is a valid comment or spam, I'm tempted to delete it.
Where's St Clements? It looks delicious.
You can beat a good posset......well you can with a large stick but I got mixed up then thinking about your guinea pig.
Lovely work.
Lizzie - I believe it's in the middle of the Strand. Oh and thanks :)
FoodUrchin - A stick wouldn't have helped you from the terrifying guinea pig of my dream, believe me I tried and the damn thing wouldn't die. Thanks mate!
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