Shocking as it may seem to my regular readers but when it comes to food, at heart, I’m a bit of a peasant. I know outwardly I’m obviously a classy guy. Seriously suave and if you’ve never met me, you could be forgiven for thinking I probably talk like Roger Moore (I do). But my real food love is very rustic, simple food made with excellent fresh ingredients. Although saying that, variety is the spice of life. I’m not opposed to a bit of posh ‘Up West’ as they often like to say in Eastenders.
So, when I read that Simon Rogan of Michelin starred L’Enclume had just opened Roganic, an outpost in London, and by happy coincidence I was due to be headed through London, back to the ‘Motherland’ (Essex). I booked a table for lunch straightaway.
I'd heard of L’Enclume of course. I always plan to visit someday, but its Lake District location is a bit of a schlep. If I’m ever in the area, inexplicably, I imagine this visit will include me arriving at the wheel of a small boat, perhaps wearing a captain’s hat at a jaunty angle and smoking a pipe. I’ll be laughing in a decidedly captainish way and surrounded by an entirely new, more wholesome circle of friends who will also be laughing heartily and sporting a selection of lightweight summer knits.
Until this eventually comes about (and it will), I’ll settle for Roganic.
This small London incarnation of L’Enclume is interesting for a couple of reasons. It only has a short-term 2-year lease, so is something of a temporary foray into the capital’s dining scene for Simon Rogan and somewhat unusually, like it’s bigger Lake District parent, only tasting menus are available, 6 courses, or a whopping 10. Although on my visit, I was told this may be tweaked and a more conventional 3-course menu also made available.
I met friend and fellow food blogger Niamh for lunch at Roganic on Friday. The restaurant itself is surprisingly light and airy for such a small space. Decorated in the fairly standard ‘fine dining contemporary bland style’, which is pleasant enough but is always slightly soulless and boring to look at. But then the food is the main event I guess and the sterile surroundings aren’t about to detract from that. I wonder if this inoffensive blandness in fine dining restaurant interiors is designed with this in mind?
It seems we’d struck lucky, it was still the soft opening, therefore a rather welcome 25% off the bill (Result), and Simon Rogan himself was cooking (Also a result). After a brief conflab, we decided to go for the rather interesting looking 6 course tasting menu, priced at £55.
But first, some wine. Niamh, knowing a hell of a lot more about quality plonkage than me, declared confidently that Slovenian wine is currently the absolute daddy with regards to quality and price. We went for a bottle of Quercus pinot bianco, and bloody nice it was too. You heard it here; (no doubt last), Slovenian wine is the way to go.

An amuse of chickpea wafer, ox eye daisy spread, aioli and flowers was a really nice and light introduction to the cooking to come.
Right away I’m going to be honest here; the menu is absolutely packed with interesting and sometimes slightly baffling ingredients. With the benefit of hindsight (and Google) I now know exactly what I was eating, but at the time, with my food rapidly going cold on the plate in front of me, ingredients such as orache, ox eye daisy spread and chenopodiums had me scratching my head.
Nevertheless, that’s exactly what you pay for at this level of cooking, to be delighted, surprised and baffled at the artistry with unusual ingredients.

Speaking of bafflement. There was a solitary smooth stone on our table, and it puzzled me. What could it be for? Perhaps something to stick the bill under?
Our waiter arrived to answer the mystery by spreading a thick scrape of whipped butter, with Maldon sea salt onto it. Obvious really. Not.

Then the perfect looking bread rolls arrived. A whole tray, potato, spelt and pumpernickel. They were all superb but especially the soft malty pumpernickel. A big thumbs up for the complete lack of parsimony with regards to the fantastic bread. The waiter cheerfully offered us more, and then when we’d greedily polished that off, even more.

A rather dainty course of millet pudding, grains, burnt pear and Stichelton followed. It was good. Basically a risotto in all but name. Pear and Stilton is a classic combo, and Stichelton is an absolutely cracking cheese. A great start.

The next course arrived and my jaw dropped. It was beautiful and elaborate, absolutely the most gorgeous presentation. Seawater cured Kentish mackerel, orache (Which I now know is a foraged plant, similar to spinach in taste), broccoli and warm elderflower honey. Somewhat unsurprisingly perhaps, it tasted fantastic. The sweetness of the elderflower honey offsetting the tang of the onions, all balanced with the crispness of the mackerel and the vegetal notes of the broccoli and orache. Stunning.

The next dish, almost impossibly, was better looking than the last. Heritage potatoes in onion ashes, lovage and wood sorrel. Beautiful to look at and who’d have thought a dish based around potatoes could be so bloody amazing? Easily one of the best courses I ate, mostly in part to the incredible sharp savoury taste of the onion ashes. (Onions, dehydrated and reduced to dust using some kind of cheffy wizardry). Amazing.

Roasted brill, chicken salt, surf clams and rainbow chard was next. Something of an unusual combination to my mind, chicken and fish, but surprisingly it worked brilliantly. The sharp bite of the chicken salt, cutting through the softness of the perfectly cooked brill. Lovely.

Another bit of artistry arrived in the form of Cumbrian hogget loin, artichokes and chenopodiums (Which Google tells me is another foraged spinach like plant). The lamb loin, so rare and soft, presumably cooked using sous-vide, was superb. The addition of a lamb sweetbread gave a nice offal flavour to balance the sweetness of the hogget. Once again, fantastic.

Onto dessert, and sweet cicely with strawberry, buttermilk and verbena was, (to match the previous courses), appropriately beautiful in an almost architectural fashion. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted verbena before, and its flavour was a revelation. Unusual, flowery, and citrusy. The combination of tastes were interesting, light and fresh. A nice end to the meal.

A final course, in the form of a cherry shot with a cherry marshmallow, and for me this was the one thing that didn’t quite work. The marshmallow was pleasant enough, but my shot seemed to be a bit on the insubstantial side, it didn’t fill my mouth with flavour as I’d expected. Somehow, all of the foam remained in the glass, and I looked around in vain for a spoon to finish it off. Not to be thwarted and reverting to childlike behaviour, I stuck my finger in it. (You can’t take me anywhere). This action broke the offending vacuum, and the remainder slid into my mouth. It was ok, but didn’t wow me like everything else had.
Nevertheless, I absolutely loved Roganic. The food is just plain gorgeous. Easily the best looking dishes I’ve eaten all year, possibly ever. The menu is full of quality interesting British ingredients, some conventional, some (if you’re anything like me), you’ve probably never heard of. The staff were extremely relaxed, cheerful and friendly. In fact, it’s all so slick that it’s hard to believe Roganic has only been open for a couple of weeks.
Overall, I had one of the best lunches I’ve eaten for a very long time. Go.
19, Blandford St,
Telephone: 0207 4860380
Cor. Looks blummin' fantastic, Dan. Great review, leading me down the inevitable path of making a booking. I'll send you the bill ;)
sounds ace have wanted to go to l'enclume for a while...youll be hard pushed to rock up in a boat tho its at the top of a hill some distance from any lake! might give roganic a whirl as it sounds excellent
I'm so incredibly hungry reading this, and jealous! This is top of my places to visit very soon and sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time. Great shout on the wine too :-)
Errr wow! I think I can forgive the awful name and give this place a try with food this beautiful!
Sounds - and looks - absolutely amazing. Only thing I'd quibble with you about is the statement "Who’d have thought a dish based around potatoes could be so bloody amazing?" Any dish based on potatoes is amazing in my book ;-)
This place is on my radar now. Will have to go check it out soon. The dishes look so stunning.
Sounds great and looks beautiful, Dan. Now need to get there soon. Glad Fiona pulled you up on yer slanderous potato remark, potatoes rock!
: )
Aforkfulofspaghetti - Go, Go, Go, But send me the bill you say Helen? cripes. Don't even joke about it. I'm frigging skint after the past weekends shenanigans.
Goodshoeday - Whaddya mean there's no river around there to sail my boat right upto the door? Why wasn't I informed? It's the 'LAKE' district right? Someone will be hearing from my solicitor soon.
Thelittleloaf - I had a cracking time thanks. You couldn't go far wrong to order the same wine. It was lovely. (And very reasonable).
Pavel - Totally agree mate, the name smacks a little too much of heavily worked punnage, but the food is top notch. So they're forgiven here too.
Fiona Beckett - Hahahaha very true Fiona. Perhaps I should clarify my statement by saying that I'm a mahoosive potato fan myself, but it's something special when a whole dish is based on a couple of potatoes and it knocks your socks off.
May - You'll love it. Intrigued to know what you think.
Ailbhe - Its well worth a visit. Potatoes - see my reply to Fiona above. I love potatoes dearly. Its all a terrible misunderstanding!!
Everything looks so pretty. Want to go NOW!
Dan, what a great review and beautiful pictures of tabletop 'stunnas' (sic). Will definitely be dropping in on my next visit to W1. Funny, though, I really like the name! But then I love all forms of punnery and verbal fun.
Another cracker - and another for the wish-list! Damnit. Fab pictures too B
When you're next in town can we have lunch please...your reviews always look amazing!!
Chloe - it is a bit pretty. You should definitely go.
Sarah - Thanks very much. The name, hmmm not entirely convinced. Maybe it'll grow on me. It doesn't matter that much really as the food is so frigging good.
Bistro Becs - Hahaha I've got a wish list as long as my arm. Pics, thanks although it's easier to take nice pictures if the food is stunning.
Hulya - I'd absolutely love to meet up for lunch when I'm next in town. I'll drop you a line.
"Millet pudding"? As in, the birdseed stuff?
Gary - Errr think It's millet grain, is that what birds eat? I've used spelt to make a rissoto before.
Looks wonderful. Always wanted to get to L'Enclume too but never made it. Maybe Roganic next time I'm back on that side of the pond. Nice post and beautiful food & photos. Best regards.
Laissez Fare - Hello mate. Long time no see. Bet you make it to L'Enclume before me! Thanks a lot.
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